Back in November I did a mix for the launch of Curiosity, NASA's newest Mars rover. Now 8 months later, Curiosity has arrived at Mars. So this mix is music for landing on Mars, in honor of Curiosity's EDL or entry, descent and landing.
Obviously the landing went perfectly. It's an incredible accomplishment. I love seeing video of the cheering crew at JPL.
Here's one of the first color pix from Curiosity. It shows Aeolis Mon, or Mount Sharp, in the background. Looks klike Curiosity should have a fairly clear path to the 18,000 foot Martian mountain.
Here's one of the first color pix from Curiosity. It shows Aeolis Mon, or Mount Sharp, in the background. Looks klike Curiosity should have a fairly clear path to the 18,000 foot Martian mountain.
I started off this mix just picking electronic tunes I liked for this theme then quickly realized that many of the titles fit perfectly. Track titles such as "We Travel", "Bold Advances" "Flying (in crimson skies)" and "Arrival". So I looked for a few more with appropriate names, kept a few that had titles that didn't matter and the mix was launched.
T R A C K L I S T :
- 00:00 Marconi Union - We Travel
- 06:55 Tycho - Adrift
- 14:40 Dub Trees - Dreamlab
- 17:35 Loops of Your Heart - End
- 22:50 Ricardo Donoso - conditional formatting descent
- 24:55 Lunar Testing Lab - Slinky Antenna
- 26:45 Bersarin Quartet - Der Mond, der Schnee und Du
- 30:47 Stendec - Descent
- 32:05 Helios - Bold Advances
- 34:15 Anenon - The Sea and The Stars
- 35:44 Clark - Skyward Bruise/Descent
- 37:15 Daft Punk - Arrival
- 38:56 Marconi Union - Flying (in crimson skies)
- 45:10 Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm - b1
- 52:15 Altus - The Awe and Wonder
- 58:40 Wixel - Surface Dust
- 1:00:18 Hecq - Red Sky
amazing trip :)
Great! Great mixes you are doing! Thanx!
Curiosity EDL is the favorite low light work here at the Interstellar Radio Station - vibrant, tangible, and with a dramatic cinematic ending to climax the work. This is top drawer - More like these please! - The Interstellar Radio Station
A music mix is a curated blend of songs, sounds, or beats that flow seamlessly together, creating a unique listening experience. Whether crafted by a DJ for a party, a producer for a studio track, or an enthusiast for a personal playlist, a good mix maintains a smooth transition between tracks, balancing tempo, mood, and energy.
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